The most powerful christian testimonies
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5 testimonies found related to Vendió su Alma al Diablo y luego Dios intervino
Created by Cristian
On Aug-20-2011
Conversion testimony
Vendió su Alma al Diablo y luego Dios intervino

Created by Cristian
On Feb-25-2011
Conversion testimony
Testimonio de Angela Carrera y hombre que vendió su alma al diablo 3

Created by Cristian
On Feb-24-2011
Conversion testimony
Testimonio de Angela Carrera y hombre que vendió su alma al diablo 2

Created by Cristian
On Feb-24-2011
Conversion testimony
Testimonio de Angela Carrera y hombre que vendió su alma al diablo 1

Created by Cristian
On May-03-2011
Conversion testimony
Fabiana no logró llenar el vacío en su alma con nada, hasta el día en que le dio su corazón a Jesús.

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This man died in a car crash and his soul went to hell. But the grace of God, he was given a second chance. This is his story....
Manny Mill was a worldy man whose greed won out until the day his crimes and the FBI caught up with him. See how Jesus Christ changed his life. ...
This salvation story proves that God can find a lost soul anywhere... even in solitary confinement....
Created by Cristian
On Oct-20-2011
Saved at a School Shooting
Brooklyn Watson was in a school prayer gathering of 30 students when a gunman opened fire, killing three and injuring five. When she had an encounter with God, she was able to believe in Jesus and eventually forgive the gunman....
A reporter says, “The boy seated in back was severely injured but may be able to communicate enough to help explain what happened.” July 1st 1999. Newport news, Virginia. A drunk driver crosses over the median and slams into a car of teenagers...
The Parrishs are convinced that they are abundantly blessed by God because they follow biblical principles in every aspect of their life including in the area of finances....
Nancy Anderson knew better. She was raised by godly parents, went to a Bible college, and considered herself a Christian. But her mind was made up. She was going to have an affair. ...
Radical surgery to remove a cancerous tumor on Jason's head meant a radical change to his outward appearance. Could he endure so much change? ...




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